Support OTFS in Stewarding our Forests
1 / Become an Inspector
Want to be part of a great team of forestry professionals who help private woodland owners clarify their management objectives and craft management plans centered on stewardship--and then help them become certified? Let us know and we'll be happy to welcome you to the OTFS Inspector family!
2 / Donate to OTFS General Fund
The Oregon Tree Farm System Inc. (OTFS) is a non-profit organization affiliated with the National Tree Farm System and American Forest Foundation. Our organization is run primarily by volunteers [over 700 volunteer hours each year].
Your donation will be used by OTFS to:
help family forest landowners manage their land to provide wood, water, wildlife, and recreation;
recognize family forest landowners that demonstrate outstanding examples of sustainable forestry;
provide third party certification on family owned forestlands.
Please send your donations and inquiries to:
OTFS (General Fund)
4484 Shadow Wood Drive
Eugene, OR 97405
OR Click the orange button below to make a donation using PayPal
3 / Donate to the OTFS Memorial Fund
The Memorial Fund can accept donations from persons or organizations as Memorials, as Honorariums, or as Special Gifts. Donations can be cash, property, securities or any other form of wealth acceptable to the Fund Administrator. Current donations amount to over $100K working for OTFS through security investments.
The donated principal amount can never be withdrawn. Only interest, dividends, long and short term capital gains, and/or investment gain can be removed from the Memorial Fund as measured by a clear formula applied yearly at December 31.
The Memorial Fund was designed to provide property owners an opportunity to offer conditional or non-conditional property gifts, for example, Family Tree Farms.
Conditional gifts could carry a written contractual agreement instructing the Fund Administrator how that donation must be handled. The landowner may instruct the Memorial Fund to manage the property for benefit of the Memorial Fund or any other named beneficiary.
Alternatively, instructions may provide the Memorial Fund direction for selling the property. Conditional gifts must be approved by the Fund Administrator before acceptance. Inquiries held in strictest confidence.
Please send your donations or phone inquiries to:
Dick Courter, Standing Chair and Founder
OTFS Memorial Fund
1600 NW Skyline Blvd.
PORTLAND, Ore. 97229
(503) 297-1660